The Ontario Motor Coach Association and RadonicRodgers Design+Marketing have jointly unveiled a new look for OMCA at this year’s annual OMCA Conference and Marketplace in Buffalo. The new look is based on the marketing phrase “Better Together,” emphasizing OMCA’s evolution over the years into an organization that represents all aspects of the group travel industry with members from across North America. OMCA president Doug Switzer said; “We’re very excited about the new look. It’s been over 17 years since we last updated our branding and we felt strongly that we needed to bring our branding back in line with who we are today.” Switzer continued: “The fact is, that all member types have played an increasingly important role in the association since the implementation of Marketplace. We now have members from not only every province but from 34 states as well – almost 50% of supplier members are from the U.S.” OMCA’s president pointed out that: “We wanted to make sure that our branding reflected those realities. But more than that, we wanted to emphasize that OMCA is a place where members can come together to achieve things that they couldn’t individually, to grow their business and their industry by working together – hence the phrase “Better Together” which is at the core of the new look. We are very pleased with RadonicRodgers consulting on a new re-branding program.” Ross Rodgers, RadonicRodgers Design+Marketing principal & creative director, said that: “The new OMCA brand identity visually captures the cumulative energy of collaboration which really is the essence of OMCA membership. Once we had identified and clarified this over-arching theme, the brand strategy was largely driven by this becoming the keystone, if you will, in crafting the four pillars of the Brand Values Statement.” Go to for further details.