Discover a New Way to Cruise.



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Discover a new way to cruise-with Le Boat



Le Boat is the leader in luxury houseboat vacations in Europe and Canada.

Renting a boat is very similar to renting a car or RV and is very easy to drive!  

The boat is your client's "home away from home"!  Sleep, cook, entertain and live on board as they set their own itinerary and cruise the inland waterways, stopping at historical sites, local wineries, villages and towns along the way.

No license or boating experience is required! 








Le Boat - Who's on board?
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Le Boat, 1 Jasper Avenue , Smiths Falls, Ontario, K7A 4B5, Canada.

Flash Sale Offer valid for select travel dates and boats.  New Bookings only.  Some conditions may apply. 
Call Le Boat or visit our website for full offers and details.   
Quote promo code JAN20 at time of booking.   Sale starts Jan. 3 &  ends Jan. 9, 2020. 

 TICO registered 5002377. Le Boat is a member of Travelopia.

Le Boat, DST House, St Marks Hill, Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 4BH, ENGLAND.



310 Dupont St. Toronto, Ont. M5R 1V9 tel:416 968-7252 email:[email protected] (product inquiries)

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