Earn more with Expedia TAAP


Earning more just became easier with Expedia TAAP


At Expedia TAAP, we know times are tough for our agency partners, so we want to offer a helping hand in growing your business.


Limited time offer for new agencies

If you’re an agency new to Expedia TAAP, for a limited time, enjoy an upgrade to our Silver tier* and boost your earning potential. With Silver tier, unlock access to Package rates where you can pass on to travelers an average of 20% discount on accommodation when a travel component (such as flight or car rental) has already been booked!


Plus, on top of this, we’re offering an additional 1% compensation boost  for all stayed lodging bookings.** That’s 18% to 42% more revenue from bookings compared to standard tier rates.

Already a TAAP agency but you haven’t booked in a while?


Now is the right time to come back! Our limited time offer for new agencies also extends to all agencies who haven’t booked with us in more than 12 months. So log back in and start booking! 


Start booking today

A variety of incentives for existing Expedia TAAP agencies


There’s also good news for those of you actively booking on Expedia TAAP. We’ve introduced a wide range of incentives to drive increased earnings for all agencies. Check your inbox for your personalized offer or email [email protected] to learn more.


4 reasons over 110,000 travel agencies worldwide choose Expedia TAAP:

  1. Refundable travel at your fingertips: Nearly 70% of our properties offer refundable rate options, giving travelers peace of mind.
  2. Impressive rates and last-minute availability: Access Expedia Group’s wide variety of quality travel rates and availability, including over 700,000 properties in more than 35,000 destinations worldwide. We also have over 180,000 vacation rental properties, perfect for travelers that prefer to have their own space.
  3. A seamless booking experience: Leverage Expedia TAAP’s cutting-edge technology to drive more bookings. Top features loved by travel agents include the ability to filter for Premium/Premium Plus properties (that offer the highest levels of compensation) and access to 75 million+ Expedia-verified reviews to boost traveler confidence.
  4. Book confidently with our traveler safety features: Be assured that we have traveler safety as our utmost priority. We are working with our suppliers to display travel advisory warnings on properties, special check-in instructions and information on property cleanliness.


With Expedia Group’s stable supply network and strong financial position, you can rest assured that our relationship is for the long-term, helping you with today’s challenges and preparing you for tomorrow’s opportunities.


Get your Expedia TAAP offer today


*A 'stayed' hotel booking refers to a hotel reservation that has been consumed.Tier upgrade is valid until Dec 31, 2020.
** 1% commission boost is valid on stayed lodging bookings made up to December 31, 2020, and consumed by March 31, 2021.

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