Behind the Scenes of 'The Cuban Movie,' A Memoir of Magic and Music in Havana


Behind the Scenes of The Cuban Movie, A Memoir of Magic and Music in Havana

Canadian-Italian screenwriter Alessandra Piccione takes us behind the scenes of her new screenplay The Cuban movie (coming out today!) to a dream-like Havana that invites us to leave ‘normal’ behind.

The first thing I remember about the moments after my plane landed in Havana is that it was hot. I can handle it, I told myself. The Cubans are used to it. But no sooner had I finished that thought, my cab driver exclaimed, “It’s too hot for me.” It turns out the summer of 2018 was a bit of an exception as far a heat goes, even for locals.

I had only been to Havana once before, in January of that same year, and the weather was much more manageable – ideal, in fact, for a romp in the legendary capital city. I went with my producing colleagues to get a feel for the place where we would be shooting part of our movie, The Cuban, starring Oscar winner Louis Gossett Jr.


Be sure not to miss The Cuban, a musical journey of love, friendship and the power of the imagination.
Available On Demand Today:

@travellifemag | @thecubanmovie


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