

You’re invited on our Space Mission Aotearoa New Zealand. We’ve reviewed the checklist and have started making our final preparations for launch – and we’d like you to join us for a special mission briefing.

Space Mission Aotearoa New Zealand (virtual event)

March 17, 2021
11am Pacific / 2pm Eastern

In 2021 we’ll invite the world to experience space of a non-galactical kind – a soul enriching, life affirming place right here on earth that inspires people to refresh and reset at a time when they need it most.

Join Michelle, Hadyn and Kim from our North American Trade Team as we broadcast from Mission Control to bring you a number of special announcements.

During this 1-hour virtual event we will:

  • Announce and extend a very unique FAM invitation
  • Reveal our new brand campaign
  • Showcase how you can access and use our new Marketing Hub to promote this new campaign directly to your clients utilizing a suite of new promotional tools

The deadline to join this mission is March 15. Seats are limited. RSVP today!




Tourism New Zealand, 501 Santa Monica Blvd., Ste. 300, Santa Monica, CA 90401

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