Five Yucatan Dishes Not To Miss


Not only home to vibrant colours, rich culture and warm, friendly people, Yucatan is also a mecca for memorable flavours

Often, we forget just how regionally distinctive food can be. The flavours and dishes you find prominent in one city might be vastly different in the next. But this is what makes culinary travel so compelling. Such is the case with Mexico, where cuisine can vary from coast to coast–and in terms of regional specialties, Yucatecan cuisine deserves a lot of attention.

Cuisine as Cultural Heritage

Based on a blend of ingredients used by the ancient Maya, Yucatecan cuisine incorporates flavours brought from Europe, with later contributions from the Caribbean and Middle East. The food is justifiably considered some of the best of what Mexico has to offer. In fact, Yucatecan cuisine has been recognized as an Intangible Cultural Heritage by UNESCO since 2013.



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