49th Germany Travel Mart Underway Now In Essen

Set to the doo-wop song “Stay” by Maurice Williams and the Zodiacs with the lyrics ‘please, please stay, just a little bit longer,’ Petra Hedorfer, the CEO of the German National Tourist Board, debuted a sneak peek at the destination’s upcoming travel campaign encouraging travellers to stay a little bit longer in Germany during the 49th Germany Travel Mart happening now in Essen.

“It’s the perfect soundtrack for promoting sustainable travel in Destination Germany with our new campaign Stay A Little Bit Longer, launching soon,” she said. “Stay a little bit longer is a key factor in travel. Take the time out, feel the atmosphere, encounter people and culture, enjoy and experience nature and last but not least, think of your carbon footprint.”

In total, 800 people are on location for the most important sales event for German incoming tourism, including 350 representatives from the international travel industry from 39 countries, including a Canadian delegation.

“The international aspect of the 49th GTM is paramount in promoting sustainable development, digitization, and economic growth,” Anja Brokjans, director of the German National Tourist Office in Canada, tells PressToday. “The presence of the Canadian delegation, alongside other countries, demonstrates the importance of international cooperation in addressing global challenges.”

The Canadian delegation consists of Sandie Vanderschot, Group Planner Team Leader at Ellison Travel & Tours; Harry Goetschi, Vice President at Groupe Tours Chanteclerc Inc.;Vincent Veerasuntharam, CEO at Connaissance Travel & Tours and Yury Manukhow, Director, Business Development at Canadian Gateway/CG Journeys.

“The opportunity to meet in person provides a unique chance to promote Germany as a leader in sustainability and innovation, showcasing its commitment to creating a more prosperous and equitable world for all,” adds Brokjans.

Along with special events and meetings, travel partners took part in destination immersion tours across various parts of the country to learn about what’s new and the wide variety of attractions in the country. The GNTB has made significant efforts to make the conference more sustainable, including using public transit networks to get delegates to events and meetings.

One of the key pillars for the GNTB is sustainability. Essen is a prime example of a city that’s been undergoing a transformation from an industrial town to a green city. The opening event was held at Zollverein Coal Mine Industrial Complex, a large former industrial site that is now an event space and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Former railway lines for transporting coal in the city are now cycle path and former sewage areas are now denaturalized streams and rivers.
