A Love Letter From Collette
We got mail! Well, actually, you’ve got mail.
To mark Travel Advisor Day, Collette is sending travel agents a letter … call it a ‘love letter’ if you will.
As the tour company explains … “We know it’s a little bit different, … but it’s been a different kind of year, and we want to recognize and applaud [travel advisors’] hard work and dedication with a special Facebook giveaway on our Travel Agent Network …”
Well, that’s nice, isn’t it … so here’s your ‘love letter’ from Collette:
Dear Travel Advisor
We want to take a minute to wish you a Happy Travel Advisor Day and to remind you that your partnership and commitment has truly have been a silver lining in the past year. We know that this continues to be an unbelievably difficult time for each of you and today we want to celebrate you for the support and commitment that you have for both your clients and the travel industry.
For the past 103 years, Collette has been dedicated to making travel dreams a reality for hundreds of thousands of travelers each year. And without the continued support of your efforts, we wouldn’t be here today.
As an organization, we are dedicated to supporting you during these difficult times and helping to strengthen your hard-earned business through initiatives like our Advanced Commission Program, and industry-leading Travel Protection Plan where clients can cancel for any reason and get their money back- all the way up to 24 hours before their trip departs.
You know all the cozy spots, the best times to travel, the right places to go, the companies to travel with, and the deals to be had.
Head over to Collette’s Travel Agent Network on Facebook to share your own silver lining moment with us in the comments for a chance to win a Starbucks gift card.
Love, all your friends at Collette …