
AC Issues Sustainability Report


Air Canada has released the 2013 edition of Citizens of the World, the airline’s third corporate sustainability report.

The document evaluates Air Canada’s performance during 2013 in four key areas of sustainability: safety, the environment, the well-being of employees, and the company’s community involvement.

“Communities are important to Air Canada because they are home to our customers and employees and connecting people and communities is the essence of our business. For this reason, Air Canada ensures economic, environmental and social sustainability considerations are part of its decision-making and one way we do this is by reporting on our activities through Citizens of the World, our corporate sustainability report,” said Air Canada president Calin Rovinescu. “Today we are releasing our third report and it improves upon previous editions with a greater degree of disclosure, including more quantified data on our programs and accomplishments. More than a report card on past activities, Citizens of the World provides stakeholders a means to hold Air Canada accountable in the future. By explicitly stating our goals for the coming year and beyond, the report not only helps focus our airline on its sustainability objectives but also lays down markers by which our progress toward them can be measured.”

Air Canada’s 2013 corporate sustainability report is available at . It was prepared in accordance with principles of the Global Reporting Initiative, an internationally recognized standard for sustainability reporting. The report is framed around the findings of an extensive stakeholder survey undertaken to identify areas of most concern with respect to sustainability. It also contains a discussion of governance practices at Air Canada and tables of data quantifying the results of our sustainability activities.

Highlights include: Completion of the Transport Canada Safety Management System Audit; Continued support for the development of alternative, more environmentally friendly fuels; A 21% reduction in Lost Time Injuries; A total of approximately $6.5 million in community investments including contributions from the Air Canada Foundation to a range of charitable causes in the form of in-kind donations and cash.
