ACTA Launches Save Travel Campaign

The Tourism and Hospitality Recovery Program rent and wage subsidies are scheduled to decline by half on March 13, 2022 and end entirely May 7, 2022.

And ACTA president, Wendy Paradis makes it clear that: “The fifth wave of Omicron has devastated Canada’s travel and tourism small businesses, nearly eliminating the winter holiday season.”

Paradis points out that: “While recovery is on the horizon, border restrictions remain and travel agencies and independent travel agents cannot recover until the summer season.”

And ACTA’s president added: “It is imperative that the rent and wage subsidies continue at 100% levels until at least July, 2022.”

To that end, ACTA launching a new campaign beginning today (March 8) and continuing until Fri., March 11.

Travel agency owners are invited to visit and upload a 1- to 2-minute video that ACTA will promote on social media and directly with government leaders and politicians.

The videos should explain the devastating impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, how the rent and wage subsidies allow for survival until recovery, and a plea that the scheduled decline on March 13 be eliminated and that benefits continue in full until July, 2022.

Said Paradis: “These videos can be a powerful and emotional advocacy tool.”

Following this campaign, ACTA will establish a video campaign for independent travel agent financial support.

Go to for more.

In other news from ACTA, the association has made it clear that it “stands with the Ukrainian people and our travel & trade partners in Ukraine.”

ACTA said in a statement on Twitter that: “Travel and tourism builds cultural understanding. Peace, security, and sovereignty are fundamental to travel and cultivates people to people ties.”

ACTA statement concluded: “We condemn the attack and urge for it to end.”


