ACTA Welcomes Cruise Rule Changes

ACTA is welcoming the federal government’s announcement yesterday (March 7, 2022) of significant measures to re-open cruise travel.

The industry association notes that the new measures will see the current travel advisory — “avoid all cruise travel outside Canada” – being lifted and travellers instead being advised to exercise a high degree of caution.

As a result, travellers are no longer advised against cruise travel and insurance becomes more accessible.

Wendy Paradis, president of ACTA, said: “ACTA is pleased at the significant progress to re-opening Canada’s cruise industry, including the easing of the travel advisory. This is another milestone on the road to recovery, and will support travel agencies and independent travel agents who depend on cruise sales.”

The industry association noted the new measures require that all crew and passengers must be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and must self-monitor for symptoms.

As well, all passengers must take a negative molecular test within 72-hours before boarding or an antigenic within one day of boarding. Further, the same testing rules apply for disembarkation.

Passengers must also complete the ArriveCAN app prior to disembarkation.

The first cruise ship to enter Canada since the pandemic will call in Victoria on April 6, marking the start of a busy 2022 cruising season.

However, ACTA and Canadian Travel and Tourism Roundtable partners continue to vigorously advocate for the pre-departure test to be removed for all modes of travel for all fully vaccinated persons and they want to happen in the coming weeks.

Said Paradis: “We are thankful to the Government of Canada, Minister Alghabra and Minister Boissonnault for their close engagement with travel and tourism partners. We also thank CLIA for their leadership and two years of tireless advocacy.”

