Anguilla Updates Visitors On Protocols
Anguilla has updated its COVID-19 Exit Strategy with changes including a series of revised entry protocols, some of which will become effective immediately, while others will be introduced in phases over the coming months.
The island’s Minister of Tourism, Haydn Hughes explained: “We recognize that the widespread distribution and administration of vaccine programs in our major source markets as well as here in Anguilla have profound implications for our tourism industry.”
The Minister continued: “As more people become vaccinated, and new infections begin to plateau, we believe that revisiting and updating our entry protocols is merited at this time. As always, the health and protection of both our visitors and our residents is paramount, and we are once again taking a phased approach to the full and safe reopening of our island.”
The Hon. Parliamentary Secretary Tourism, Quincia Gumbs-Marie said: “We worked diligently with the Ministry of Health to develop our protocols, which secured Anguilla’s position as the leading destination in the successful management and control of the pandemic.”
And she added: “We have continued this successful collaboration in designing our Exit Strategy, which will allow us to rebuild our industry and return to full employment as we welcome our visitors back to Anguilla.”
The following measures took effect on April 12:
- The stay in place mandate for international travellers who are fully vaccinated, with the final dose administered at least three weeks (21 days) prior to arrival, is reduced from 14 days to seven days.
- Persons will still be required to submit a test 3 – 5 days prior to their arrival, be tested on arrival and at the end of the quarantine period.
- Multi-generational families and/or groups with a mix of unvaccinated and vaccinated persons will all have to quarantine for a 10-day period, utilizing only approved short stay services.
- The Entry Application Fee for fully vaccinated visitors staying under 90 days in a villa or hotel is US$300 per individual, and $200 for each additional person.
- The Entry Application Fee for fully vaccinated returning residents or visitors who are staying in an approved private dwelling home is US$300 per individual, and $200 for each additional person.
- The Entry Application Fee for unvaccinated returning residents or visitors who are staying in an approved private dwelling home is US$600 per individual, and $200 for each additional person.
And effective May 1, the following protocols will apply:
- All persons traveling in groups (i.e more than 10 persons) must be fully vaccinated to enter and attend or conduct any mass gatherings in Anguilla, e.g. weddings, conferences, etc.
- Spa, gym and cosmetology services will be allowed if both guests and staff therapists/consultants are fully vaccinated, i.e. three weeks have passed since the final dose of an approved vaccine.
- All frontline hospitality workers, along with port and transportation staff are required to receive the COVID-19 vaccination (first dose by May 1).
Kenroy Herbert, Chairman of the Anguilla Tourist Board, explained: “We have safely welcomed thousands of guests over the past five months, and we are confident that we will continue to do so under this amended regime.”
And Herbert concluded: “Our visitors appreciate the extra steps we have taken to ensure their safety while enabling them to experience our exceptional tourism product. There is tremendous interest in Anguilla, and we are seeing a significant increase in our arrivals; our forward bookings for this summer and particularly Winter 2021/22 are also very encouraging.”