Contiki’s latest trip shows off authentic New Zealand

Contiki has launched another trip to its homeland, New Zealand.

The 15-day trip is called ‘Real New Zealand’  in accordance with the unique experiences that show travellers the raw and authentic aspects of the country.

Travellers will have their spot guaranteed at an exclusive lakeside Marae Special Stay. They’ll learn about Māori spirituality, traditional healing practices, customs and protocols, music and have the chance to experience an awe-inspiring haka – exclusively composed for Contiki travellers. Additionally, the trip includes special stays at Blue Duck Station, a conservation project on the banks of the Whanganui River, as well as an overnight cruise across the incredible Doubtful Sounds….experiences that travellers won’t easily be able to do on their own.

Exclusive experiences await

For adventure lovers, this trip is studded with adrenaline-pumping experiences including skydiving, kayaking, bungy jumping, ziplining, jet boat riding and so much more.

The exclusive Māori experiences on the itinerary are the result of Contiki’s New Zealand operations manager Richie Pepene’s connection with local iwi. “We really wanted to work with local Māori to create the most authentic experience for our travellers. The trip managers and drivers are working through a training program to strengthen their competency in Māori history, culture, customs (Tikanga) and language,” Pepene said. “It’s such a wonderful way for our travellers to immerse themselves in the beauty and culture of the indigenous people of Aotearoa New Zealand.”

“We wanted to make sure that every part of this trip was unique and compelling. We’re really happy with the itinerary, and so glad that we managed to bag experiences that are exclusive to Contiki,” added Emma McMahon, product development director at Contiki. “Having personally tried and tested parts of it, I can confidently say that this is one of the most exciting New Zealand trips we’ve got.”

“The Real New Zealand itinerary is the perfect mix of this country’s culture, nature and adventure. There’s something for everyone on this trip. We hit all the city hotspots, including Auckland, Queenstown and Christchurch, and then even throw in some hidden gems like Marlborough Sounds, Blue Duck Station and Lake Manapōuri. Anyone who wants an inside scoop of what New Zealand is really all about, this is the trip for them,” said Brit Wiltshire, trip manager at Contiki.

Find more information about the Real New Zealand on