A Decade-Plus of Owner/Manager Mixers for Urie

On the occasion of her 150th Travel Leaders Network Owners & Managers mixer recently, Sue Urie could look back on over 10 years of work for the consortium, and consider the successes.

Urie, the TL Network business solutions manager for western Canada, considered that history from the mixer at Brock House in Vancouver, where member owners and managers met suppliers at a mini trade show and over a turkey Christmas dinner.

For instance, membership growth is trending ahead of targets for this year. The TL Network (which merged with Vacation.com) added 24 new members in western Canada, as well as 24 in the east totaling 48 new members to date in 2017. There are currently 700 TL Network members across Canada.

“Sue has been with the company for over 10 years and she began hosting these mixers when she started, with approximately 10 to 12 events per year,” said Christine James, VP Canada for the TL Network. “No other BSM has been with the company longer than Sue, so she’s hosted more than any other BSM in Canada.

“Sue is very dedicated to her members and works very hard on their behalf, and they repay her with their continued loyalty to the Network,” said James.

Urie noted that she was pleased to reach the 150 mark at the same time that Canada is celebrating its 150th birthday.

Pictured, Urie (second from right) with (l-r) Cathy Denroche, regional sales director of Oceania Cruises, Selene Solis of Cantrav Travel and Leisure Services and Christine Waschhofer of Cantrav Travel.
