Destination Assurance Key To Success In Tourism

Jamaica’s Ministry of Tourism has begun national public consultations ahead of presenting its Destination Assurance Framework and Strategy (DAFS) to Parliament for approval as a White Paper.

And for the island’s Minister of Tourism, Edmund Bartlett, Destination Assurance is key to the future of Jamaica’s tourism success.

Bartlett observed that Destination Assurance “is a promise to visitors that assures an authentic, safe and seamless vacation experience, which is respectful to the community and environment.”

And the strategy is the blueprint that will guide the Ministry and its partners to ensure continuous improvement in the delivery and management of quality throughout the tourism value chain.

Bartlett observed: “We are looking at the holistic approach to tourism and a big part of it is that people travel to enable a high level of happiness and satisfaction. They go to destinations where they feel safe, secure and they have a seamless experience.”

And he pointed out that approval of the White Paper “will make Jamaica the first country in the world to have a Destination Assurance Policy” and the consultation was towards that objective “because that policy can’t be promulgated without the input of you who are the players.”

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Minister of Tourism, Hon Edmund Bartlett (at lectern) addresses tourism stakeholders at the Negril Community Centre on the importance of the soon-to-be-implemented Destination Assurance Framework and Strategy (DAFS) which, he said, will be key to the future of Destination Jamaica’s tourism success.