Home Digital Extra post Costa Rica promotion has artistic touches

The Costa Rica Tourism Board is highlighting Costa Rica’s artistic and cultural wealth through Productos Artesenales con Identidad (Artisanal Products with Identity).

The initiative supports local artisans by providing the tools they need to improve the quality of their work, build a business and sustain a living in their communities. All the collections reflect the country’s history, cultural authenticity and give visitors from all over the world an opportunity to take a piece of Costa Rica’s spirit back home.

On the Pacific Coast, El Puerto collective in Puntarenas includes artists who interpret the region’s renowned beauty in new ways. The Semillas de Nogal collection continues the country’s sustainable tradition using found items from the shoreline to create a variety of items, including bags and creative home décor.


Travel Courier Issue Date: Feb 26, 2015
Posted in Mexico & Latin America