Home Digital Extra post Rockin’ Out At Sandals Ochi

1 TC DE Sandals Lede Photo

Rock on, man!
The 21st Annual Canadian Travel Industry Golf Tournament at the Sandals Ochi Beach Resort in Ocho Rios, Jamaica had a little bit of everything, including its own super group golf foursome. The increasingly popular annual event welcomed more than 80 participants who competed on the links, networked and socialized at a number of events and generally, enjoyed a relaxing couple of days in late October.

2 TC DE Sandals Golf Duo 3 TC DE Sandals Golf High Fives 4 TC DE Sandals Golf Presentation

5 TD DE Sandals Golf Where We Going 6 TC DE Sandals Golf Drinks Foursome 7 TC DE Sandals Golf Mitchs Team

8 TC DE Sandals Golf Networking 9 TC DE Sandals Golf Group 10 TC DE Sandals Golf Foursome

11 TC DE Sandals Golf Never Stop Rocking 12 TC DE Sandals Golf Banner Shot 202370097

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Travel Courier Issue Date: Nov 12, 2015
Posted in Pics of the Trade