Discover America Canada WANTS YOU!
A revitalized Discover America Canada held its annual general meeting in Toronto on Feb. 19, reporting that it was in much better shape financially — actually, a little over $6,000 to the good — than it had been in a year ago — when the organization was struggling with a lack of funds — and is now looking to gather in new members. Discover America’s incoming chair, Sana Keller told members attending the AGM that the group had been very successful in finding new ways to generate funds during the course of 2012 and observed: “If we can stay on a plateau and add a few new members, we’re going to be in a good place.” Keller said that Discover America Canada will be looking to draw those new members from the accommodation, tour operator, transportation and attractions sectors. Stay tuned for more as Keller promised that Discover America Canada has a lot planned for 2013, including its annual Discover America Day on Sept. 30. And if you’re interested in joining, e-mail [email protected] because they really do WANT YOU!