Expedia Group Collaborates With Open AI

Expedia Group has unveiled a new plugin in collaboration with OpenAI to simplify trip planning for ChatGPT users.

Until now, ChatGPT could identify what to do and where to stay, but it couldn’t help users book.

Now, once a traveller enables the Expedia plugin (think ChatGPT app store) they can bring a trip itinerary in ChatGPT to life – how to get there, where to stay, and what to see and do – all powered by Expedia Group’s 70 petabytes of travel data. When they’re ready to book, they’ll be sent to Expedia, where they can access their member discounts and rewards.

AI has transformed Expedia Group – which owns Expedia.com, Hotels.com and Vrbo — from an online travel agency to a technology platform powering travel at every step of the journey for over 154 million travellers and more than 50,000 partners globally:

  • Its platform capabilities like fraud, service and sort are powered by AI – ex: AI flags suspicious activity when behaviour patterns deviate from the norm, allowing us to intervene before fraud or abuse occurs.
  • Service: its Virtual Agent has powered more than 30 million virtual conversations, saving over 8 million hours in agent time
  • Driving personalized experiences throughout the traveller journey with AI that evaluates more than 360,000 permutations of a page on one of our brand sites to ensure travellers are seeing the most relevant information for them.