Finding New Opportunities In A Challenging Environment

Richard Smart admits that: “While there will certainly be challenges ahead, I believe there is also reason to be optimistic.”

In the latest issue of Canadian Travel Press, the president & CEO of the Travel Industry Council of Ontario’s (TICO) observed that: “We’ve seen that consumers are eager to travel and that consumer protection can be a competitive advantage to leverage.”

Smart told CTP that: “It’s hard to believe that we are coming up to the two-year anniversary of the pandemic. This past fall, there were glimmers of hope that the beginning of the recovery could be on the horizon. While the Omicron variant abruptly put a pause on the recovery, we know that there is significant pent-up consumer demand for travel as soon as conditions improve.”

And he continued: “Here at TICO, we continue to be busy with high volumes of registrant and consumer calls. Travel agencies and tour operators have been clarifying their responsibilities around COVID-19, particularly for disclosure requirements.”

For the full story, check out the latest issue of CANADIAN TRAVEL PRESS.



