
Flight attendants reject tentative deal with Air Transat

Air Transat Flight attendants have voted to reject a tentative deal that was reached with the carrier in mid-December.

In a statement, the company said that: “Following the unfavourable vote by Air Transat flight attendants on the tentative agreement for the renewal of their collective agreement, management has agreed to resume discussions with the union executive.”

Air Transat also made it clear that there are currently no strike or lock-out notices issued by either party, and both are keen to reach a new agreement quickly.

The tentative agreement that was presented to members had been approved by the union executive, without restriction, on Dec. 14, and seemed to meet the main interests discussed with the flight attendants’ union, represented by the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE).

Julie Lamontagne, Chief People, Sustainability and Communications Officer of Transat, said: “We had reached a tentative agreement negotiated in good faith, which met the interests of both parties.”

And Lamontagne continued: “We are disappointed by this outcome, as we were confident that the tentative agreement would be accepted by the majority of our flight attendants. We are returning to the bargaining table, and our objective remains to find common ground as soon as possible.”

At this time, all Air Transat flights are maintained, and the usual terms and conditions apply.

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