GBTA Lends Support To EC Proposal
The Global Business Travel Association (GBTA) has lent its support to the European Commission’s proposal to introduce a Digital Green Certificate that is inter-operable and consistent across member states.
The certificate will verify that a person has been vaccinated against COVID-19, has recovered from the virus, or has a negative test result, to enable the safe and swift restart of business travel in the EU.
Catherine Logan, Regional VP Europe, GBTA, said: “We are already witnessing some European countries opening up their borders with differing entry requirements and timelines. GBTA is calling for a European-wide solution to facilitate a consistent plan and avoid a fragmented approach across the 27 member countries.”
Logan continued: “An EU-wide recognized certificate proposed by the European Commission will help to restart travel after a devastating year for the business travel industry, valued at $392 billion in Europe and $1.43 trillion globally in 2019. The need for a quick agreement and speedy, uniform implementation, based on data-driven decisions is crucial to the success of this proposal.”
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