Gearing Up For A Better Tomorrow

As the year comes to an end, tour operators discuss their visions for the future of travel and the ongoing importance of responsible tourism, writes managing editor, Ann Ruppenstein, in the latest Travel Courier.

With vaccine news raising spirits after a challenging year, the travel industry is bidding farewell to 2020 with a renewed sense of positivity and an optimistic outlook for recovery.

Although the situation won’t drastically improve overnight, there is finally some much needed light at the end of the tunnel.

While travellers around the world have vowed never to take travel for granted again, and there is a hunger to explore, the importance of sustainable and responsible travel has arguably never been more important.

Hear from Adam Armstrong, global CEO of Contiki; Jeff Roy, executive vice president, Collette and Darcie Guarderas, director of business development and operations at Anderson Vacations as they prepare for what’s to come. The panel also shares how they will think back on 2020 in a positive light.

It’s all in this week’s TRAVEL COURIER.


