
Brand USA Ready For The Sequel


Get ready for USA the sequel. With the phenomenal success of “America Wild: National Parks Adventure” in IMAX theatres across Canada and around the globe, Brand USA is planning a second a film, likely to be released in 2018, reports Michael Baginski in this week’s digital edition of Travel Courier.

With the working title “America’s Treasures,” the short documentary film will focus on American urban and cultural centres, following a similar format to America Wild, which is to say, the cinematic experience is meant to be inspirational, not promotional.

By focussing on the journey of three leads, in this case some iconic American musical stars, the film will focus on the diversity of music in the US with the goal of “inspiring people to see the country in a different light,” says Brand USA director, public policy, Aaron Wodin-Schwartz, who notes that 2.4 million people have already seen America Wild in only its first six months of release.

Better still, in-theatre surveys have shown that 81% of viewers said they were more likely to visit the US after seeing the film and 62% said they would choose it over another destination.

For the full story, check out this week’s digital edition of Travel Courier by clicking here.