Happy Travel Agent Day from Baxter Media

Today, the first Wednesday in May, marks Travel Agent Day in Canada, a day of appreciation for the travel trade.

In honour of this occasion, since 2016 we’ve been highlighting remarkable travel advisors across the industry in Canada for our annual Travel Agent Appreciation combined issue of Travel Courier and Canadian Travel Press.

What makes the Travel Agent Appreciation edition special is that all the agents featured are nominated by their industry peers — BDMs, supplier partners and colleagues — who work with travel advisors day in and day out.

To take things to the next level, in 2021 Baxter Media launched the Travel Agent and Beyond Award, honouring one of the nominees from the Travel Agent Appreciation edition with some extra praise and recognition. This year’s Travel Agent and Beyond Award winner will be announced in the May 23rd edition of Travel Courier.

Congratulations to this year’s nominees:

From all of us at Baxter Media, happy Travel Agent Day!