Islands Of Tahiti Say Welcome Back To Canadians

The Islands of Tahiti has designated Canada as a Green Zone, meaning that Canadians are now being welcomed in the destination.

And beginning July 5, Canadian travellers are exempt from quarantine to enter / re-enter Canada if vaccinated (though do need to test and upload their vaccination card to ArriveCAN app).

The Islands of Tahiti’s requirements for vaccinated travellers include:


* The registration receipt from the ETIS* platform (please complete this application 30-6 days prior to departure)

* A negative laboratory RT-PCR test performed less than 72h before departure or an antigen test (allowing the detection of the “N” protein of the SARS-CoV-2) performed less than 48h prior to departure.

* It is recommended to also bring the proof of vaccination document, if vaccinated

* Children under 18 traveling with a vaccinated parent or legal guardian must take an additional test (provided on arrival) to be done at day 4 and day 8 which are to be deposited at their hotel or in a dedicated health centre.

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