JAPEX set for April in Montego Bay
The 23rd annual Jamaica Product Exchange (JAPEX) will be held from April 28-30 at the Montego Bay Convention Centre. A one-of-a-kind exhibition, JAPEX is the island’s premier travel trade show and serves as a forum for leading Jamaican suppliers of the island’s tourism product to meet with travel wholesalers and tour operators from the Americas and Europe. Last year’s JAPEX attendance featured 116 representatives from approximately 76 buyer companies along with 222 participants from 92 supplier companies. Hosted by the Jamaica Tourist Board (JTB) and the Jamaica Hotel and Tourist Association (JHTA), the trade show also includes networking sessions, evening entertainment, destination familiarization tours and team-building activities. “JAPEX is the ideal opportunity for qualified international buyers, travel wholesalers and tour operators to discuss the island’s tourism product with our finest suppliers,”said John Lynch, Jamaica’s director of tourism. “It is an invaluable opportunity for our local tourism partners, particularly the smaller companies, to have direct interaction with the travel trade and update them on what’s new and upcoming in our destination.”An important marketing tool for the island, JAPEX is appointment-based and pre-scheduled in the following ways: The Perfect-Match Appointment: A buyer requests a supplier and the same supplier requests that buyer; The Buyer-Requested Appointment: This is based solely upon the buyer’s request for a meeting with a supplier. (http://www.visitjamaica.com)