Last Week to Vote in TICO Board Election
The Travel Industry Council of Ontario (TICO) is reminding all registrants that it’s the last week to send in ballots for the election for the positions on the TICO board of directors.
Ballots were sent out to all registrants in May. The eligible candidates on the ballot are: Retail, Wholesale or Marketing Group Candidates (three-year position): Kari Lynn Larsen, Dragonfly Meeting Solutions Inc., Thornhill, Patricia (Tisha) Saunders, Marlin Travel, Orangeville; Retail Candidates (two-year position): Kari Lynn Larsen, Dragonfly Meeting Solutions Inc., Thornhill, Paul Samuel, Vision Travel Solutions, Toronto, Patricia (Tisha) Saunders, Marlin Travel, Orangeville.
For the Wholesale Candidate (one-year position) there was only one eligible nomination received. Therefore, there is no need to vote for that position. The name of the successful candidate will be announced at the annual general meeting. Some candidates are on the ballot twice. Registrants may vote for the same individual for both positions, however, if one candidate wins both positions, that candidate will serve in the three-year position and the candidate with the next highest number of votes in the retail category will serve in the two-year position.
All ballots must be received at the offices of McGovern, Hurley, Cunningham by 5 p.m. Eastern Time on June 12.