
Mexico Featured on ET Canada, Thanks to Transat

Air Transat is taking Canadians to Mexico this week with ET Canada.

Through April 13, viewers will be able to discover Puerto Vallarta and its surroundings with the show’s reporter, Matte Babel. They will explore this typical Mexican city on the Pacific coast, known for its authentic charm, artisans, colourful buildings and, of course, idyllic beaches. Mexico will be celebrated all week long on ET Canada on Global, at 7:30 p.m. EST.

In addition, those bitten by the travel bug can discover Jami Letain’s favourite spots in Puerto Vallarta and its environs in her two travel diaries posted on Air Transat and ET Canada’s Facebook and Instagram pages. Letain was selected as Air Transat’s “Travel and Tell” correspondent from among hundreds of viewers who had entered a contest last winter.