Putting Giving On Your Wish List With Planeterra
With the holidays fast approaching, Planeterra has launched its year-end giving campaign, The Wish List.
The aim of this year’s fundraiser is to support five of Planeterra’s community tourism enterprises, which will begin receiving travellers in 2022 but still require sponsorship for training, equipment and even tuk tuks before they can open their doors to international groups.
The Wish List allows supporters of Planeterra and community tourism, to be part of making “wishes” come true this holiday season after a difficult two years with limited income from international travel.
Funds raised this year will go towards things like tuk-tuks for a women-run transport service in Cambodia, art supplies for an an Indigenous artisan cooperative in Mexico, in-person training for a youth art tour in Argentina, uniforms and kitchen appliances for a cafe in Mongolia that employs individuals with down syndrome, and a new roof for a coffee cooperative in the Galapagos.
Donations to the campaign this year, up to US$15,000, will also be personally matched by the founder of both Planeterra and G Adventures, Bruce Poon Tip, who says that getting these enterprises back on their feet as soon as possible through the Wish List fundraiser is essential.
Said Poon Tip: “These grants will be welcomed by local social enterprises, and G Adventures is committed to integrating these experiences into trip itineraries in 2022 as part of our Project 100 program, which means these community tourism projects will be supported into the future while also giving travellers a meaningful and memorable experience.”
Over and above the capacity building grants the fundraiser will generate is the commitment from Planeterra to provide training, support and mentorship through the Global Community Tourism Network, which launched earlier last year.
Planeterra president, Jamie Sweeting observed that: “The Global Community Tourism Network now provides training, resources, and mentorship to over 340 communities in 74 countries.”
Sweeting continued: “We want to take this to the next level as travel re-emerges in 2022, so we’re asking travel lovers to help us grant these special wishes this holiday season, and to support our continued work to help communities get the most out of the tourism industry.”
As donations roll in, Planeterra will celebrate the funding of each project before moving on to the next enterprise’s fundraising goal. This holiday season, by supporting the communities on the Wish List, donors will ensure communities don’t miss a beat between travellers returning to their communities, and their ability to earn an income from tourism.
To support The Wish List campaign, go to https://www.classy.org/campaign/the-wish-list/c376703 .
For more on Planeterra, go to www.planeterra.org .