
SabreMosaic revolutionizing Offer and Order

Sabre has introduced SabreMosaic — a new intelligent, modular and open technology platform – built to transform the way airlines retail.

The company said that by moving away from the limitations of today’s PNR-driven world to a modern Offer and Order approach, SabreMosaic allows airlines to deliver a more personalized and dynamic retailing experience, while creating new revenue opportunities.

Kurt Ekert, president & CEO of Sabre, explained that: “Defining and building the next generation of airline retailing solutions has been a significant investment and strategic priority for Sabre, and we are well down this path.”

Ekert continued: “SabreMosaic is the culmination of our dedication to innovation in airline IT and active collaboration with our airline partners to enable the future of modern retailing. With the success we are already seeing with Sabre’s Retail Intelligence suite of solutions, today’s announcement marks an important milestone on our path to delivering a fully open, modern and flexible retailing platform.”

Powered by Google’s AI capabilities, SabreMosaic enables airlines to dynamically create, sell and deliver an array of personalized content to travellers. The modular, open and cloud-native architecture allows airlines to select the API-based Offer and Order solutions that best meet their needs and create a unique technical blueprint to transform their operations in a way that makes sense for their business.

Thomas Kurian, CEO of Google Cloud, pointed out that: “Airlines are becoming sophisticated retailers and need the same data-driven insights and AI tools to optimize their businesses and better serve their customers as other consumer services,”

Kurian said that: “Through our work with Sabre, we are helping airlines harness their data to make faster, more informed decisions that improve operations, personalize marketing, and ultimately increase customer satisfaction.”

SabreMosaic is an end-to-end retailing platform that encompasses 10 new product suites – from offers and orders to settlement and delivery – as well as Sabre’s existing AI-powered Retail Intelligence solutions such as Air Price IQTM, Ancillary IQTM and Upgrade IQTM and Sabre’s NDC IT solutions.

Built to function in both a PNR-based and an Offer-Order world, these proprietary Retail Intelligence solutions serve as the building blocks of SabreMosaic and are already powering the retailing strategies for several innovative airlines. Aligned with IATA’s vision of an entirely Offer- and Order-based approach, SabreMosaic will help airlines transform all aspects of the retailing process.

Garry Wiseman, Chief Product & Technology Officer of Sabre, said that: “As part of our development process, we took a design thinking approach and collaborated with a community of thought leading airlines on SabreMosaic to iterate towards production ready solutions.”

And Wiseman added: “We are already gaining traction in the marketplace as customers recognize the benefits of utilizing SabreMosaic’s AI-powered modules in their digital experiences.”

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Image courtesy of Sabre