Save With Signature


Signature Vacations is offering savings of up to 40% on vacation packages departing between Dec. 21, 2016 and Oct. 31, 2017 to RIU Hotels & Resorts.

In addition, travellers who book their winter vacation by Oct. 25, 2016, can reserve now and pay later with a reduced deposit of just $50 per person.

And travellers that take advantage of this limited time offer could be among the first guests to experience two of RIU’s newest and most exciting adults only resorts.

Just opened this June, Riu Republica is set in expansive tropical gardens descending to Arena Gorda’s white sand beach in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic.

And Beachfront Riu Reggae, in Montego Bay, promises to offer a serene setting for couples and newlyweds when it opens this November.

In addition to these two new introductions to the popular chain, a number of other properties slated to re-open this season, following multimillion-dollar renovation projects, are included in the limited-time promotion. Notably, Riu Palace Macao in Punta Cana, Riu Palace Cabo San Lucas and Riu Palace Las Americas.

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