SeaWorld To The Rescue


A SeaWorld veterinarian has performed surgery on a rescued sea turtle, removing fishing hooks from its throat and eye socket.

The sea turtle was discovered by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission — an organization committed to managing fish and wildlife resources for their long-term well-being and the benefit of people. The turtle, a juvenile green sea turtle weighing approximately nine pounds, was rescued near Vero Beach, Florida and brought to SeaWorld Orlando.

The turtle underwent surgery following X-rays and blood work evaluation. According to the veterinarian who performed the procedure, Dr. Michelle Davis, both of the fishing hooks were successfully removed – one from its esophagus and one from the eye socket. The turtle is doing well following the procedure, and its health will continue to be monitored over the next several weeks by the Aquarium department at SeaWorld Orlando.

So far this year, SeaWorld Orlando has rescued 33 sea turtles.
