St. Lawrence Cruise Lines Set To Sail June 24

St. Lawrence Cruise Lines is advising that due to the current province-wide lockdown — and to allow sufficient time to reduce the number of cases of COVID-19 in Ontario – the company has opted to alter its 2021 cruise schedule to begin on June 24, 2021.

As well, the new start date should allow travellers a greater opportunity to be vaccinated and tested prior to boarding. All cruise line guests who had previously planned to travel in May have been accommodated with a new cruise date in June.

The cruise line intends to operate the remainder of summer and fall cruises as previously scheduled.

Commenting on the new start date, St. Lawrence Cruise Lines President Jason Clark said: “While we are disappointed to delay the start of our cruising season, we are eager to accept passengers on June 24th and we remain excited to provide a Canadian travel experience during the summer and fall months.”

For more, sail on over to .
