Striving For Relevancy In The World Of Travel Marketing

In a wide-ranging conversation with Canadian Travel Press, Michael Clark, Founder of Beeby Clark+Meyler (BCM), covers a lot of ground, observing at one point: “Personalization is a term that gets used a lot, but what we are really striving for is “Relevancy.” That is the coin of the realm in digital media and indeed in the media world in which we live. People are bombarded with marketing and they have learned to look for relevancy as their initial decision point. If it does not appear relevant, they largely don’t even notice it.”

At one point Clark observes: “The #1 pitfall is failing to plan, especially when it comes to defining your target audience. Travel marketing is especially exposed here as you can argue that everyone travels, so everyone is the audience. This approach will not work.”

For the full story, check out the latest issue of CANADIAN TRAVEL PRESS.