Take A Trip ‘Into Nature’s Wild’ With Brand USA

Brand USA, in partnership with Collette, is taking its third big screen film, Into Nature’s Wild, on a six-city roadshow across Canada hosting VIP film screenings for members of the travel trade.

Kicking off on April 25, the six cities include: Ottawa (April 25), Halifax (April 26), Winnipeg (April 27), Edmonton (May 2), Calgary (May 3) and Vancouver (May 10).

In each city, the screening will also include a networking reception and a prize draw with the chance to win two tickets to the USA.

Narrated by Morgan Freeman, Into Nature’s Wild aims to inform, inspire and entertain the travel trade by taking them on a nonstop journey by kayak, bike, train, hot air balloon, zip line, and kiteboard in some of the most beautiful but little-known landscapes in the United States.

From the wilds of Alaska and the lush Oregon coast to the ancient canyons of the Southwest and the rolling hills of the Appalachian Trail, the film follows its three protagonists: Native American astronaut John Herrington, Alaskan pilot and youth advocate Ariel Tweto, and international record-breaking athlete for hiking, Jennifer Pharr Davis, as they individually explore the hidden wonders of the USA’s epic landscapes and ecosystems.

Casey Canevari, senior travel trade manager, Canada at Brand USA, said: “We hope by taking Into Nature’s Wild on the road and showcasing the wealth and breadth of outdoor adventures to be experienced across the USA, we can inspire the travel trade to sell above and beyond the gateway destinations. The United States is a very diverse country with so many exciting adventures from coast to coast and there is something for everyone no matter your interest.”

Brand USA is a firm believer in the power of films and TV to motivate travel and understands its ability to directly encourage incremental visitation and spending to the USA.

This is the third collaborative feature film produced between MacGillivray Freeman Films and Brand USA and is part of its multi-screen strategy to inspire and invite travelers from around the world to discover the vast portfolio of experiences that the United States offers.

To register, go to https://www.gocollette.com/en-ca/landing-pages/2023/into-natures-wild