Taking A Flyer


Goway Travel has released a series of destination flyers for agents to assist their industry partners in selling Latin America and the Polar regions.

Don Forster, product and marketing manager for Goway’s Latin America department, observed: “The destination information flyers were designed for agents to easily have at hand many of the answers that agents will be asked about Central and South America and the Polar regions.”

The flyers are available at http://www.GowayAgent.com and list top itineraries for each of the countries and regions, weather information, exchange rates and other selling tips and hints.

Agents can access the information sheets at Goway’s dedicated Agent Website at http://www.gowayagent.com under the “training” link.

The Goway Agent website also includes marketing tools, custom flyers, special offers, webinar schedules, latest news, and upcoming events, agent incentives and general company news and information.