TIAC Responds

Given the ongoing situation related to the COVID-19 crisis and its impact on tourism, TIAC continues to provide regular information concerning steps the government is taking to address the situation and ensure it is providing up-to-date information to government officials from members.

TIAC, Hotel Association of Canada and Restaurants Canada have joined together asking government to help address the crisis through secure tax relief and a credit facility for the industry as a whole.

Launched in the form on an online campaign, using the Push Politics platform, the initiative builds on the joint letter submitted to Minister Morneau on March 23, asking for industry members to add their signatures to the letter. This is an easy and fast way of communicating the urgent need to provide support for the industry.

The Push Politics tool provides industry with an easy-to-use link that will directly connect with local MPs to support relief efforts for the tourism industry.

Just two hours post-launch, TIAC collectively obtained 862 signatures on the petition to Minister Morneau and 300 letters sent to MPs.

TIAC officials urge industry personnel to make sure the industry’s voice is heard by federal decision-makers. It’s a quick and easy process by clicking on the following links: https://www.pushpolitics.net/hospitality-covid/; https://www.pushpolitics.net/hospitality-covid-fr/.