TICO Board Approves Claims

The Travel Industry Council of Ontario’s (TICO’s) Board of Directors approved 45 claims totalling $125,321.39 to assist 97 consumers who did not receive the travel services for which they had paid. The claims, approved on Sept. 28, 2021, include:

  • Albarkah Travel and Tours Inc. — 32 claims to assist 77 consumers, totalling $105,101.99
  • Fly Jamaica Airways — 2 claims to assist 4 consumers, totalling $1,924.99
  • Jet Airways — 11 claims to assist 16 consumers, totalling $18,294.41

In addition, the following claims totalling $16,548.02 were denied:

Tucan Travel Inc. — 2 claims for 3 consumers totalling $6,592.30 as the travel services were purchased from a non-registrant

Albarkah Travel and Tours Inc. — 2 claims for 3 consumers, totalling $ 3,823.00 as the claims were received beyond the filing deadline

Albarkah Travel and Tours Inc. — 1 claim for 4 consumers totalling $ 4,456.00 as the services were available to have been received

Fly Jamaica Airways — 1 claim for 2 consumers totalling $1,676.72, as the services were available to have been received

For more, go to www.tico.ca .