Dragica Belchevski operating as Win Travel Tours and Cruise Agency has been convicted on one count of operating as a travel agent without registration contrary to the Ontario Travel Industry Act. Belchevski and Win Travel Tours & Cruise Agency’s registration under the Ontario Industry Travel Industry Act, 2002 was terminated on Aug. 10, 2010. Belchevski, also known as Dragica Lapajokoska, continued to operate in Toronto after her registration under the Act was terminated. Belchevski was fined $3,000. In other news, Toronto Chinese Traveller Association and Piye Liu have been convicted on two counts each of operating as a travel agent without registration contrary to the Ontario Travel Industry Act. Toronto Chinese Traveller Association and Liu operated in Milton and elsewhere in Ontario. Liu was fined $2,000 and the Toronto Chinese Traveller Association received a suspended sentence. (http://www.tico.ca)
