Tapping Into The Trends
Longwoods International latest tracking study of American travellers reports that 47% of those travellers are likely to stay in a short-term rental (Airbnb, Vrbo, etc.) on their next trip.
Similarly, 49% of travellers support having short term rentals in their own neighbourhoods, with only 18% opposing them.
And among those travellers who use this type of accommodations, that support level jumps to 69%.
Amir Eylon, President and CEO of Longwoods International, pointed out that: “The impact of short term rentals on the lodging sector is significant. And while cities and states have a patchwork of various regulations on this accommodations type, travellers use them and generally support them locally.”
Key findings of Longwoods International’s latest tracking study include:
- 47% of American travellers say they are likely to stay in a short-term rental (AirBnb, Vrbo, etc…) on their next trip with 26% being very likely. Of those 47% likely to stay in a short-term rental, 69% support having them in their own neighbourhoods, as opposed to only 49% of all American travellers.
- While demand for travel still remains extremely high, Longwoods International indicated that it was noticing what perhaps may be the first indicator in this survey of a slight softening as 89% of American travellers now report having travel plans within the next six months (down four points from a survey high 93% in March). This slight softening may reflect a combination of economic factors and the return of school in the fall leading to a dip in family travel.
- When asked about the next trip they will take, there was a 3-point spike in those saying they will visit friends and relatives via car within 200 miles of home (18%).
- Top summer leisure trip activities remain: visiting friends and relatives (48%); shopping (41%); going to a beach or waterfront (40%); exploring a city (37%); take a road trip (37%); and visiting state or national parks and monuments (29%) are the top activities reported in the survey.
- In looking at responsible/sustainable travel behaviour: 55% of American travellers say they ensured that they left the destination just as it was when they arrived; 33% reported limiting their impact on the environment via responsible practices including recycling, reducing waste, etc.; while 25% chose to visit less travelled parts of the destination to avoid overcrowding.
Go to https://longwoods-intl.com/covid-19 for more.