Travel Counsellors is reporting that its sales for Canada are up by 30% so far in 2013. Overall sales for the company across the six other countries in which it operates have increased by 15% over the same period. Average earnings per agent have grown by 10%. To celebrate the solid results and to help their agents build on this success, Travel Counsellors has announced that they’ll be holding a mini conference on July 23 in Toronto. “We’re having a fantastic year and we would like to invite agents from outside the company to join us at our mini conference as we feel it’s a great way for them to experience first-hand what makes us different,” said Steve Byrne, managing director of Travel Counsellors. The mini conference will feature a number of sessions, including one with international sales guru Anthony Iannarino. Said Byrne: “The company is continuously investing in the tools we provide our Travel Counsellors and Anthony’s practical advice on how to compete on the basis of the value you create rather than price is reaping great rewards for our agents. This training and conference, which we provide free of charge, is just one way we support our agents so they can grow their business.” The agenda for the conference will also include company updates, industry news and training developments. The events are also a fantastic opportunity for Travel Counsellors to catch up with head office staff and fellow professional travel counsellors. For those interested in attending the mini conference, contact Laura Adamson at [email protected] or 1-888-983-3185.