Travellers becoming more cautious about holiday travel

In its latest tracking study of American travellers, Longwoods International reports that the percentage of them who plan to spend more on holiday travel this season compared to last year has declined, from 33% in September to 28% in November.

It also found that the percentage of travellers now planning to spend less on holiday travel this year than last has increased, from 16% in September to 23% in November.

Amir Eylon, president and CEO of Longwoods International, observed: “We still expect a strong holiday travel season this year, but perhaps not quite as robust as it initially appeared in our September data.”

Eylon continued: “That said, traveller concerns about COVID-19, inflation, gas and airline prices, and their finances remain muted.”

Seventy-five percent of travellers do plan to take holiday trips this season. Of those travelling over the holidays, 63% of them will travel by car and 27% will travel by plane.

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