TTAND Receives ACV’s Home-Based Network Agency Partner Award

The Travel Agent Next Door received the top Home Based Network Agency Partner award at the Air Canada Vacations Dream Bigger Launch in Toronto last week.

Flemming Friisdahl, Founder and CEO TTAND, said: “We are extremely proud to receive this award on behalf of our travel agent partners and all the hard effort they have put into earning this award.”

And Friisdahl added: “When you look at the huge number of home based agents now in Canada, for us to be picked as number one is something we’re very proud of.”

The award was accepted by Penny Martin, VP Agent Experience, at TTAND from Anna Paula de Souza, ACV Director of Sales; Nino Montagnese, ACV Managing Director; Erminia Nigro, General Manager Sales, Ontario and Krista Rothfuchs, Area Sales Manager for Independent Advisors, ACV@Home.

In the photo

Seen here, from l to r, are Erminia Nigro, General Manager, ACV Sales Ontario; Nino Montagnese Managing Director, ACV; Penny Martin, VP Agent Experience,  TTAND; Krista Rothfuchs Area Sales Manager for Independent Advisors, ACV@Home; and Ana Paula De Souza, Directrice, Ventes | Director, Sales ACV.