Unprecedented Level Of Partnership Is Key To ‘Restoring Travel’

Expedia Group’s director, market management, Rebecca Cregan talked to Canadian Travel Press recently about the initiatives the company has put in place to help its partners meet the challenges of the global pandemic.

Cregan tells CTP that here in Canada, Expedia Group Media Solutions is partnering with Destination Canada on a new marketing campaign to inspire Canadians to explore and re-discover their country.

Through this partnership, she explains, Destination Canada can reach the millions of unique visitors who search, shop and book travel on Expedia Group sites every month.

During the conversation, Cregan observed that: “In recent months, we saw issues surface where us and our flight partners could not make cancellations at scale. COVID-19 has highlighted this issue to the industry, and after COVID-19 we will still be susceptible to future natural disasters and global health crises. We have just never addressed these processes, but they are the things that help to modernize travel.”

For the full story, check out Canadian Travel Press.


