‘Belong. Inspire. Grow.’ with Vacation.com


Vacation.com unveiled a new logo and details of its new brand — positioned around a travel agent’s aspirations to “Belong. Inspire. Grow.” — at a trade luncheon in Toronto yesterday.

According to Vacation.com president John Lovell (pictured), the updated tagline more incisively reflects the “industry-leading role outlined in the organization’s positioning statement: ‘Vacation.com is an innovative network of professionals that celebrates highly driven travel agencies by supporting them with the tools to help them grow and inspire.’”

The new positioning also includes a revamped member recruitment web site – http://www.joinvacation.com – and new brand logo specifically designed for member recruitment and supplier partners to “proudly identify themselves as Vacation.com in their marketing materials.”

“‘Belong. Inspire. Grow.’ is more than just a tagline. It’s Vacation.com’s deep-rooted philosophy that underscores our commitment to further cultivating the travel agency business so it may flourish for years to come,” said Lovell. “Over the past decade and a half, our Vacation.com staff, travel agency members and supplier partners have created a community of like-minded travel professionals, intent on inspiring the travelling public as well as each other. To more accurately reflect the organization we’ve become, we are proud to unveil our new branding initiative.”

Vacation.com is the largest travel services marketing organization in North America, boasting 5,100 member agencies (including 615 in Canada) and approximately 27,000 individual travel sellers.

