Waikiki Parc Has New Interactive Web Site
Hawaii’s Waikiki Parc Hotel has unveiled a newly revamped web site – http://www.WaikikiParc.com .
The site provides users with an opportunity to start their vacation before they arrive by incorporating the island’s arts, activities and culture creating a true Oahu experience.
In addition to the web site launch, Waikiki Parc has debuted a new campaign – #MyParcStory. The story begins at the hotel, dives into the Parc Active program, explores the island with Oahu Finds and ends with discovering the beauty of Parc Arts. The user is invited into each “Parc Story” with rich imagery, creative storytelling and a call-to-action to craft their own experience as they discover “their Hawaii.”
“This new web site offers visitors more than just a means of booking their stay,” said Liana Mulleitner, director of marketing, Halekulani Corporation. “WaikikiParc.com allows guests to create their trip through personalized recommendations and encourages them to engage in their ‘Parc Story.’”
The new WaikikiParc.com will incorporate a series of videos highlighting local influencers that live and breathe the Hawaii active lifestyle and are passionate about giving back to the local community. The first video debuted Dec. 1 featuring leading surf photographer Zak Noyle. The clip tells Zak’s “Parc Story” and showcases his passion for surfing, Hawaii’s ocean and photography. Visitors are also invited to tune in throughout 2015 for additional #MyParcStory videos, featuring the Hawaii influencers’ “Parc Story.”
The web site also features Oahu Finds, Waikiki Parc’s unique and personal guide of recommendations from its hotel employees, Hawaii local residents. The feature is similar to an online Concierge – whether it’s a suggestion on the best time of day to take a hike, where to find good parking, to the best beaches for surfing, or what to order at the top restaurants, Oahu Finds provides guests with the insider scoop.