
What Does It Mean To Be Canadian?

In celebration of Canada’s and CIBC’s shared 150th anniversaries, CIBC is asking people across the nation to help shape and define our proud identity by socially sharing how they #StandForCanada.

Developed by CIBC Live Labs, #StandForCanada is the first global digital mosaic on what it means to be Canadian. User generated content mentioning the hashtag will be collected and appear on highlighting diverse voices from across the country.

Users can also use the platform to create personalized content by uploading a photo, submitting an “I Stand for…” caption and then sharing with the hashtag on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, to showcase their Canadian pride.

“This digital time capsule allows everyone to be part of history so that future generations can reflect back on what we stand for today as a great nation,” says Rob Assimakopoulos, chief marketing officer, CIBC.

CIBC will take this collective social sentiment and share it back, showing the world what Canadians think and feel as they #StandForCanada. Whether in Winnipeg, Charlottetown or Iqaluit, a contributor’s content may appear in CIBC’s upcoming 150th marketing campaign.

“We are excited to help shape the narrative around our country’s 150th birthday in a new way,” added Assimakopoulos. “By asking Canadians what they stand for, we are the authors of our country’s own unique story.”

Canadians can participate in #StandForCanada by joining the conversation on Twitter @CIBC, Facebook ( and Instagram @CIBCNow.