Working Together To Make A Difference

“We all need to work together to better understand the many complex issues confronting the world and our industry,” Brett Walker, GM International Operations for Collette, says. “Whether the issue is climate change, hunger, poverty, clean water or any of the pressing issues facing our planet, we need to unite and compound our efforts to incite the kind of change that will make a difference.”

As for whether 2023 will be the year that the Canadian travel and tourism industry recovers, Walker observes: “We should probably clarify what ‘recovers’ means. If you mean recovers from the depths of the pandemic – well hell’yah. If you mean 2023 is the year we recoup all the losses incurred through the pandemic – I’m not sure. We lost a lot. Most companies aren’t what they were back in 2019. Scaling back takes time and it’s a lot of work but pound for pound we’re stronger than ever.”

For the full story, check out CANADIAN TRAVEL PRESS.