The first ever multi-day, territory-wide culinary festival to be held in the Yukon — The Yukon Culinary Festival: A Celebration of Local Food and Homegrown Cuisine — will be held June 20-24. Toronto-based media personality and chef Christian Pritchard will be teaming up with Yukon culinary experts to help facilitate activities during the festival. “What’s so great about this festival is that it brings together tradition, family, food and fun – what better to reflect the true culture of the Yukon,”says Pritchard. “No matter where you are from or what your background we all have to eat, so why not do it together in an authentic way. Yukon is such a cool place and the food culture is amazing.”A series of events will be open to the public and everyone is encouraged to attend to learn more about locally produced and harvested foods and ingredients, and of course, to help sample some mouthwatering culinary delights. Pritchard will tour and learn how Yukon foods and Yukon-based products are produced, harvested, stored and prepared, showcasing the farms, restaurants and other businesses that are responsible for bringing these goods to the table. This includes an experiential fishing tour with Yukon operators, as well as a tour of two Yukon farms and a forage adventure with local Heidi Marion. (http://www.tiayukon.com)